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25 ways to ask your kids how school was today

I’m sure you’ve heard of this: ‘If you tell a person often enough that they are stupid, they will soon begin to believe it.’ The words we use, whether talking to others or to ourselves, have a profound effect on our mindset.

Mindset is, in effect, how you see the world and yourself in the world. With a negative mindset, the world seems difficult; small setbacks feel like failures; new situations feel daunting; trying feels hopeless. With a positive mindset, mistakes are for learning from; something new is an exciting challenge; hard work brings results; the world is a great place to be.

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High school student tutoring NumberWorksnWords

Holidaying with Children

Elevate your family's school holidays with unforgettable adventures! Discover the joys of quality time, new experiences, and shared memories as you embark on a journey with your little ones. From building life skills to fostering resilience, our blog explores the invaluable reasons to travel with children during the school break. Dive into the magic of family holidays and create moments that last a lifetime. 

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gardening for kids

Holiday Learning Experiences

I'm often asked by parents what they should be doing to keep up their children’s learning in the school holidays. The holidays provide an ideal opportunity for parents to encourage their children to view learning as a life-long activity, not just something you do at school. Just as much learning occurs informally as it does formally in the classrooms and children need occasionally to be left to educate themselves.

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Parents are baffled by homework

According to the late, great Franklin D. Roosevelt, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Unless, apparently, you’re among the 17 to 30 percent of children who have maths anxiety! Or you might be among the parents who experience ‘maths homework anxiety’ when you try to help your child with the day’s assignment sent home from school. Trying to keep up with the multiple strategies that children must learn in order to do their homework is not an easy thing.

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What you need to know about memory

If you want to commit multiplication facts to memory, it is worth taking time to look at some ways to make information easier to remember.

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