Supporting Your Child's Study Habits

Exams are approaching and students and teachers are working hard at the College to revise learning material in class.
Of course we all know that you get out what you put in, so how can you assist your child with revision at home? We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks below to help you support your child’s success in exams.
Make a start
Often for children the hardest part of revision can be getting started. Which subject do I start with – my weakest, my strongest? Which topics deserve my attention? When study is perceived to be too overwhelming it can be easy to put it off, to procrastinate until panic sets in and frantic cramming starts.
The solution is to have your child sit down and make a realistic timetable for study. First have your child fill in all their commitments such as school, sport and music practices. Then get them to scrutinise the remaining spaces and divide these into blocks of 50 minutes, each focusing on a different subject.
Ensure all subjects receive a similar amount of study time, although your child may want to pop in a couple of extra sessions for subjects they are not as confident with. Now the amount of revision is broken into manageable chunks of time
Be realistic
Study plans aren’t meant to create feelings of deprivation. If your child has a favourite TV programme or a regular social engagement make sure time is included for this in their plan and they enjoy these occasions without worrying about study. Revision comes more readily if your child doesn’t feel like they are missing out on the more enjoyable things in their life.
Limit distractions
Once a study plan is in place encourage your child to “check in” their phone, tablet or any other device that may distract during these 50 minute study blocks. Keep hold of these for them to help them avoid the temptation for distraction.
Keep fresh
50 minute study blocks are designed to allow your child 10 minutes to rejuvenate between subjects. Encourage them to use these 10 minutes to get a drink and something to eat, check their phone if necessary or get some fresh air with a stroll around the garden.
Eight hours of sleep each night is encouraged, so no late-night cramming. Regular exercise and good healthy food will also help sustain your child’s concentration for longer spans of time.
Show your support
Teenagers can often be moody and the stress of exams, no matter how well prepared for, can exacerbate this. Show your child you trust them to get on with their study by giving them clear space to do this, but be aware enough to be a sounding board when they need it.
You can show your support in other more practical ways as well, perhaps by relaxing chores during study to allow your child more time to focus during this crucial time.
We wish all Senior School students the best of luck for the upcoming exams.