English and Maths Holiday Programs

School holidays present an opportunity to get back on track with maths and English study, alongside play and new experiences that all contribute to fruitful learning.
For children in primary school, holidays don’t have to mean a stop to learning, especially when the lessons are made to feel fun while developing essential skills. As children add to their competency, parents are quick to realise that a boost in progress also equates to a leap in confidence.
We’ve tabled four ways that children can leapfrog ahead of recent school disruptions, including the NumberWorks’nWords holiday program delivered in an enjoyable environment that means a return to the classroom with a steady path to the end of the school year.
1. For the first week of the holidays, prepare your child to get in extra study time
By introducing children to bonus study lessons at the start and end of the week, they will look forward to having their weekends reserved for playtime. After their first experience of an extra study lesson, remind them that free play time on the weekend awaits them. As you approach week two of the holidays, try introducing an additional study lesson as a bonus chance for them to do an activity they would otherwise miss out on, because they would be in school.
By balancing their time spent concentrating on core skills along with active discovery on weekends, you will find they will get into a habit of refocusing their energy on school work as the week begins.
2. Create a holiday calendar together that’s filled with a mix of learning and fun-based activities
Variety is important to keep children’s minds engaged but structure has its place too. By making the schedule of activities a project in itself, you can both commit to a program that avoids last-minute negotiations.
Consider adding symbols to activities to mark them as ‘educational’ either with a maths or English element. Bonus points can be tallied based on how many fun English and/or maths activities are ticked off the calendar.
3. Remind your child of the fun centre or classroom experience that awaits them when there’s less study to catch up on
Find time to ask your child how they felt good at school or at their tuition centre when they not only understood the tasks at hand, but were receiving a big tick for their effort or had spare time to help others in the class because they were able to complete all of their work on time. Explaining that the ‘top up’ work being done now is so that they have more time to enjoy their school and tuition experience will help them to see the work being put in now is for longer term rewards.
4. Set goals with a support team for when they return to the classroom
Consider how to build a team of support around your child to get them performing at their best. This can come in the form of working out a ‘first week back’ plan, a holiday reading set or a collection of maths equations to practise. This helps them to see that they are not only accountable to their teacher or parents, but themselves to realise their greatest potential. Goals can be as small or ambitious as you feel, depending on where your child’s personality and drivers for motivation lie.
Want to find out whether your child needs maths or English tuition? Book a free assessment and introductory lesson with NumberWorks'nWords.