Signs your child is struggling at school

School is the foremost fountain of knowledge and development that children encounter. Learning in the classroom gives children the ability to acquire knowledge on various subjects, such as maths and English. It is important that our children are enjoying school and have the confidence and support they need to succeed and progress through each stage of their education. As educators, we know that not all children have the same skill level and ability, so we have to be aware of those who may be struggling and need extra support. This blog explores 4 signs that your child may be struggling at school.
1. A change in attitude about school
As parents, we want our children to have a positive attitude towards school and education. Certain signs and behaviours can tell us how they feel about school, such as a major change in attitude. If you begin to notice your child suddenly becomes distant or angry towards school, you can bet they are not enjoying their time there. Your child might try to avoid school or begin to complain about boredom, which may stem from difficulty in keeping up in the classroom, or they may already know the material being taught and need extension work. It is important to always dig a little deeper to find the cause, and support them in every way you can, whether it’s asking for extension work or enrolling in after-school tutoring to enhance their skills.
2. Refusal to discuss school
Not all children have the same attitude and behaviour towards school. Some enjoy it, while others encounter more challenges that make it difficult for them to enjoy school. If your child is hesitant or reluctant to talk about school or how their school day went, it can be a sign that they are struggling. It is important to make sure that our children retain a positive attitude towards school and are comfortable expressing their challenges and weaknesses. Start a conversation with them and discuss how they are going at school, any concerns or struggles they may have, and what they enjoy.
3. Teacher concerns
Teachers play a significant role in children’s lives. They are responsible for educating our children at school and ensuring they are on the right track. Teachers can express their feedback and concerns, which are important for us as parents to note and consider. It can be easy to dismiss a teacher’s concern about your child, especially if what they are saying is different from what you have always known about your child. If your child’s teacher believes that they are struggling at school, pay attention to what they have to say. Take some time to discuss with your child and their teacher the options available to help them, such as after-school tutoring or organising extra support in school.
4. Low confidence and grades
Confidence is a key component of children’s success and development in school. As parents, we want to believe the best about our children, and so it is important that they attend school with confidence and aim to achieve the best possible results. An important sign to look out for is their confidence and grades. If your child is lacking self- confidence and motivation, especially to complete their homework, this is a clear sign that they are struggling or finding the work challenging. This may be accompanied by or lead to the occasional poor grade, which may not be an immediate cause for serious concern. However, a continuous pattern of low grades could be a sign for concern. Sit your child down and come up with a plan to help restore their confidence, and support them and their academic needs.
School is considered to be one of the most important parts of our children’s lives, as it provides valuable knowledge, growth, and development. It is important to look out for signs that your child may be struggling. The support and encouragement you provide your child when they face struggles and challenges in school can make a huge difference to their attitude and behaviour towards school. At NumberWorks’nWords, we ensure that our students are on track and enjoying their lessons, and help them boost their learning confidence. If you would like to learn more about our maths and English tutoring programmes, get in touch and contact your local centre, or book a free assessment today!