Education pathways for literacy enthusiasts

English is an important subject for students of all ages, and is predominant from when they first start school to the very end of their academic journey, and beyond. English as a subject allows students to develop literacy skills and proficiency in English, which are required for study and pursuing many career paths. As parents and educators, we want to highlight different educational pathways to our children and give them options to pursue their aspirations and dream careers. If your child is a literacy enthusiast, read on to discover 4 education pathways that may take your child’s interest.
1. Journalism
Journalism is a popular educational pathway that appeals to those who enjoy writing, editing, and researching. Studying journalism can provide a range of core journalistic skills including researching, interviewing, investigating, reporting, and writing. In addition to this, studying journalism can also provide technical skills such as video editing, audio skills, and more. If your child expresses these interests, journalism may be the perfect pathway for them to pursue. Help guide them through the journey of studying journalism and they may end up working at a publishing company or other media outlet!
2. Communications
Does your child love talking and socialising with others? Studying communications might be a good fit for them! The study of communications is all about learning how to communicate information effectively through a range of mediums, and enables students to strengthen their interpersonal and communication skills. Communication skills include public speaking, business correspondence, non-verbal and intrapersonal communication, creative writing, reporting and media communications. Communication skills can help prepare children for any future career they would like to pursue as these are needed across all vocations from medical professions to sports coaches. If your child has a knack for telling stories and engaging with people, a career in communications might be a natural fit.
3. Education or Teaching
English is a broad subject and can open up endless educational and career opportunities for students. Studying English and literacy offers the ability to work as an English teacher. If your child enjoys their time at school and being in a classroom, studying education or teaching might be of interest to them. Regardless of whether your child is a literacy enthusiast or not, studying teaching or education can give them a set of transferable skills such as oral and written communication, problem-solving, and organisation, and it can open up many other job opportunities.
4. Poetry or Creative Writing
Young learners are always full of fun ideas and creativity. If you notice that your child has natural creative tendencies or is a creative thinker, poetry or creative writing could be of interest to them. Those who dream of writing and want to express their creativity through poems, fictional or non-fictional storytelling may benefit from studying poetry or creative writing. This can open up doors to jobs that involve creative writing, such as screenplay writing or even becoming an author! If you would like to enhance your child’s writing skills, after-school tutoring can help them develop literacy skills and get their creative juices flowing!
There is a range of educational pathways for literacy enthusiasts. If your child is passionate about English, enlighten them about the different pathways they can take and the subjects they can study. Help support and encourage your child’s learning aspirations by preparing them for advanced study and higher levels of education. At NumberWorks’nWords, we offer expert English tuition in a supportive environment that builds confidence and delivers results. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help your child develop foundational skills needed to pursue their chosen educational or career pathway, by contacting your local centre, or book a free assessment today!