Education in New Zealand: A report card

New Zealand is the best place to live on earth. It’s official. The Legatum Prosperity Index ranks New Zealand first in the prosperity index[1]. With nine measures that encompass business, health, social, and educational aspects, New Zealand rankings have consistently been high over the last 10 years. However, one of the lowest rankings is for education. When other aspects are performing so well, what’s happening with schooling?
Not meeting full potential
The 2015 OECD PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) ratings rank New Zealand 16th in the world[2], well behind countries like Singapore and Finland. Performance on science. mathematics and reading have all dropped since 2006. There is a significant performance gap between European/Pakeha and Maori/Pasifika students. Most importantly, and one of the biggest concerns for future success and continued performance, New Zealand has low equality in learning outcomes. There is a wider gap between the top and bottom 10% of students than in most other OECD countries.
Must try harder
The PISA ratings dropped significantly in 2012, but have stabilised somewhat since then[3]. However the concern is that if performance doesn’t increase, the likelihood of being passed by other countries rises. The Ministry of Education says the government had invested significantly into the education system, and that there was a lot to be proud of. However, there is much more potential in New Zealand’s education system and they can do much better.
Areas of improvement
Of particular concern is the gap between European/Pakeha and Maori/Pasifika, and the growing inequality between the high and low performers. This in particular is a marker for future poor outcomes[4]. The poor performers grow to be adults with less opportunities and less advantages when looking for employment. As a result, the poor performers can become trapped in a cycle of fewer employment options and lower income. Society is only as strong as its weakest link.
Take initiative and help your child reach their full potential
How do you ensure your child doesn’t get left behind? It’s important that any gaps in education are addressed as soon as possible, particularly for mathematics. If your child doesn’t understand vital foundation skills, they have nothing to build their future skills on[5]. They may fall behind their peers and struggle to move forward in their education.
If you start to notice a change in your child’s achievement levels or a drop in learning, talk to their teacher. Gain an understanding of where they are flourishing and what areas could stand improvement.
After school tuition
Tuition outside of school is an excellent option to help your child. NumberWorks’nWords offers a variety of options to suit your child’s needs. Programmes are tailored to fill any gaps with curriculum compliant knowledge and skills.
If your child is competent, then extra learning can extend their abilities so they perform better. An extension programme can accelerate their learning and make sure they remain ahead.
Don’t let your child get left behind to become another statistic. Take action to ensure the best outcome for them and secure a bright future. NumberWorks’nWords provides the best in after-school education and every session is designed to be enjoyable. Our tuition meets your child where they are at, whether they require remedial work, extension or simply a boost in their self-confidence. Talk to us about how we can help your child.