The importance of good role models for students

Young learners look up to a variety of role models and adults, and it shapes how they behave, their relationships, and the decisions they make. For many children, the most important role models are their parents, teachers, and peers, while some are influenced by celebrities, athletes, and characters from TV or movies. Having a good role model is extremely important for students and their development. Role models inspire children to stay motivated, instil good behaviour, influence life decisions, and strive to achieve goals. This blog explores the importance of good role models for students.
1. Children are easily influenced
Whether it’s a video game or social media, our children are influenced by whatever takes their interest. This can have a positive or negative effect, so it is important that our children have good role models to look up to. Athletes and famous celebrities are usually what comes to mind when we think of role models. In fact, good role models start at home. Parents play a critical role as children model the behaviour and actions of those around them, which is why we must set a good example for children. By demonstrating and practicing appropriate behaviour ourselves, we can help our children become the best versions of themselves.
2. Inspiration and motivation
Role models have the passion and ability to inspire, motivate, and encourage young learners to aspire to and strive for greatness. Students seek guidance from the adults in their lives and celebrities they admire. From a young age, students will face challenges in their learning journey, so it is crucial to learn how to bounce back, overcome them, and stay motivated. Role models show and prove that no obstacles are too big to overcome. Role models go through struggles and successes just like everybody else, and the influence of this inspires students to work as hard as their role models to climb up the ladder of success.
3. Instil good behaviour and habits
Students are impressionable and model behaviour from role models and adults around them. For those who learn through mimicry and modeling, it is crucial to ensure that our children have the opportunity to encounter positive role models to help them develop and instil good habits and behaviours from a young age. Role models play an essential role in the development of young learners. Children emulate their role models’ actions and values, so when they see or experience positive behaviour, they tend to imitate and absorb these behaviours. Role models who demonstrate good behaviour and habits will in turn, help students instil these same traits.
4. Achieving goals
Students have all sorts of goals they want to achieve along their learning journey, but it can be easy for them to get sidetracked and lose confidence, especially after setbacks. Role models provide a template for success and are helpful in motivating students to set and achieve ambitious goals. They empower and motivate students to strive for their goals and ambitions by modelling a guide to achieving success, and ensuring that students understand and acknowledge the hardships and failure along the way. When students look up to their role models, they follow their principles and are encouraged to set and achieve their own goals.
As educators at NumberWorks’nWords, we lead by example everyday and during our tutoring sessions for students. We know that we carry the significant responsibility of setting a good example to our students and positively influencing them. If your child needs additional support with their learning, tutoring with NumberWorks’nWords can help! Our individualised maths and English tutoring programmes help students overcome challenges and strive to achieve their learning goals. To learn more, get in touch with your local centre, or book a free assessment today!