7 Tips to Raise an Optimist

It’s every parent’s wish that their child is healthy, happy, and successful. Raising your children as optimists has many benefits for their physical and mental well-being. Optimists always have a positive outlook on life and make the best of every situation. To them, the glass is half full and dealing with life’s challenges is a no-brainer.
However, teaching your child to be an optimist is a process that takes time and patience, but it will help them immensely to grow into a responsible and self-sufficient adult.
Here are the top seven practices for beginners that will help you raise an optimist in your household.
Focus on the good
The first step towards a more positive attitude is showing your children how to focus more on the good and to look on the bright side of life. Teach them that everything happens for a reason and that even in an unpleasant situation something good can be found. Small children can get really disappointed if they want to go outside and play but it starts raining heavily. Make the best of the situation and create a play date at home: make a fortress out of blankets in their bedroom, prepare their favourite snacks, and read their favourite stories or play a board game.
Quit complaining
Stop complaining. You are the best role model for your children and constantly complaining about difficulties in life will only discourage them and turn them into pessimists. The more you complain about your job, money, or bad traffic the more likely it is that your children will start doing the same. Instead, play a game with your children at the end of the day where everyone shares the best and worst of what happened, but draw attention to the best moments.
Encourage risk taking
All parents struggle between their desire to protect their children and let them learn on their own through taking risks. It’s completely natural that you’d want your child to avoid falling from the monkey bars or while skateboarding and getting hurt, but if you constantly discourage them from taking risks, you’ll undermine their confidence and they’ll start seeing every activity as a potential tragic outcome.
Assist in problem solving
If you notice your child is coming home feeling down about something, talk to them. Assure them that whatever the problem is, it’s not permanent and it can be solved. Teach them how to solve those problems themselves by offering subtle hints and in time, they’ll become positive thinkers and efficient problem solvers.
Embrace both success and failure
Teach your children that it’s ok to fail sometimes and make mistakes as it’s the best way to learn. They need to understand that nobody is flawless and that practice makes perfect. Remind them that they have what it takes to solve problems and overcome difficulties. At NumberWorks’nWords we believe that to embrace new concepts, hurdles are met head on and through support these hurdles are overcome.
Offer a different point of view
Whenever a problem arises, whether it’s a simple argument with a sibling, a fight with a school friend, or a disagreement with the other parent, it’s very helpful if you offer them a different standpoint. Help them understand the issue and explain that it’s quite normal that different people see things differently.
Another way to encourage their learning and boost their self-confidence is by developing their empathy and compassion by exposing them to various learning environments. It’s essential for your children to get the chance to communicate with their peers, teachers, and people from different walks of life. Even offering them a unique opportunity to help others through volunteer work can bring about a positive change.
Practice gratitude
Finally, teaching your kids to be grateful for every big or small thing in life will help them appreciate the world around them more and learn to be happy with what they’ve got.
In the end, remember that the best way to teach your child to be an optimist is by setting an example yourself.
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