Steps to pursuing a maths career

Maths can be a challenging subject that requires both logical and creative thinking, but at the same time, it can be rewarding and fun. Those who have a passion for maths may continue studying it beyond their schooling years, and even make a career out of it. For maths enthusiasts, a common thought is, ‘Where can maths take me?’ With so many in-demand maths-related STEM jobs in the working world, there are endless career opportunities for those who express an interest in maths. If your child has an insatiable hunger for maths, read on to discover some key steps that will help them pursue a career in this field.
1. Master basic maths skills
Mastery of basic maths skills is key to succeeding in school and pursuing a maths career. By ingraining basic maths skills in our children from a young age, mathematics becomes second nature and can be utilised in and out of school. Basic maths skills include:
- Number sense - the ability to count and calculate numbers accurately
- Spatial sense - this is also referred to as ‘geometry’ and is the ability to identify shapes, sizes, spaces, position, direction, and movement
- Measurement - the ability to work out the length, width, height, and weight of objects using different measurements
- Problem solving - the ability to recognise a problem and find alternative solutions using logical reasoning or thinking
These skills are all part of the school curriculum and your child will come across these at some point in their schooling, however, there are other effective ways to help your child master basic maths skills. This could be at the comfort of your own home, for instance, playing maths games that involve numbers, or cooking and baking.
2. Seek additional support
Ability and skill levels vary between students. For some, maths can be plain sailing, while for others, it can be a struggle or a weakness. It is important that we recognise our children’s weaknesses and provide them with the necessary support to overcome challenges. This might include enrolling your child in after-school tutoring programmes to help them brush up on their skills or to provide them with extension work in preparation for future studies. You can also speak with your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and areas they can improve on. This will help address your child’s learning gaps and set them up for success.
3. Educational pathways with maths
To make a career out of maths, in most cases your child will be required to study maths related subjects. Although maths is part of the school curriculum in primary and secondary schools, it is important to educate your child about advanced study options and higher levels of education for maths, especially when considering tertiary study and subjects. If your child is passionate about maths, take the opportunity to sit them down and discuss possible educational pathways. For example, you could help them explore the study options of engineering, computer science, or architecture. Whatever takes their interest, help support your child’s learning journey and career aspirations.
4. Discuss and evaluate possible career pathways
The breadth of possible maths careers can be overwhelming. Depending on the path your child takes or wants to pursue, it is important that we support them every step of the way. If your child expresses great interest in maths but they’re unsure of which path to take, help guide them in the right direction by discussing or educating them about the different career options that are available to them. For instance, you could enlighten them about a career as a maths teacher, accountant, or a statistician.
As parents and educators, we know that pursuing a dream career requires resilience and determination. Encourage your child to think about what their aspirations are and help them pursue a career in a field they are passionate about. At NumberWorks’nWords, we are committed to helping young learners achieve their goals. Our maths and English tutoring programmes are tailored to the individual needs of your child. To learn more about our tuition, get in touch with your local centre, or book a free assessment today!