Career pathways with English

From the moment our children begin their learning journey, they are taught how to read, write and speak English. As part of the school curriculum, English covers a wide range of topics and it generally involves critical thinking, creativity, and communication. Those who express an interest in studying and learning English have a diverse range of professional fields available to them in almost every corner of the world! Career pathways include, teaching, journalism, writing, or film production - the list goes on. Read on to discover 4 interesting careers for English and literature enthusiasts.
1. Journalist
Journalists have the role of researching and producing stories for magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and other forms of media. Key skills that most journalists are required to have are investigating and storytelling. Children are naturally curious and ask questions, which is the very reason most children already possess journalistic skills. If your child has exceptional investigative and communication skills, and has a way with words, enlighten them about a career pathway with journalism and where it can take them.
2. Film Production
Does your child enjoy watching movies on Netflix or videos on YouTube? If so, they may have a proclivity for film studies and production. English can take film lovers down the career pathway of working in the film industry. Film production is the process of producing films, which includes the creation, writing, organising, and planning of a film project. Ask your child what they enjoy watching, and why they enjoy watching it, and you might just open up a newfound passion for them!
3. Writer or Author
Is your child a bookworm? Whether it’s books, newspapers, or magazines that they enjoy reading, chances are, they might want to pursue a career as a writer or author! Writers and authors write stories, scripts, poems, blogs, or plays to entertain and inform people, or for publication and production. Writing can be a difficult skill to master, however, encouraging your child to develop proficient writing skills at a young age will give them a head start and help them become better writers as they get older. Help your child pursue their career aspirations by providing them with the necessary support and skills to achieve their goals, which might start with after-school English tutoring!
4. English Teacher
This may be an obvious career choice for English enthusiasts, but it’s an undeniable fact that a passion for learning English can lead to a passion for teaching English. Whether it’s teaching at primary, secondary, or tertiary level, English teachers have the responsibility of planning and delivering instructional lessons to educate students about literacy. If your child enjoys learning in the classroom, and has a rapport with their teachers, they may want to explore the career pathway of becoming a teacher. Teaching is a fulfilling and rewarding career for those who want to share their knowledge and help others learn.
English offers many opportunities to those who are passionate about continuing their education and pursuing a career in this field. As adults, we tell our children they can be anything they want when they grow up, so it’s important that we support them along the way. At NumberWorks’nWords, we act as advocates for our students and support their career aspirations and goals from the beginning to the very end. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help your child build confidence and foundational skills in maths and English, by contacting your local centre or book a free assessment today!